Testimonial: Well Done Stuart!

Another solid result!

Well done Stuart!

“I am still a keen cricketer and soccer player into my late 50s After a lifetime of wear and tear from 40+ years of competitive sport as well as poor posture from too much time hunched over a computer at work, I was suffering regular niggly injuries, taking far too much Voltaren and spending a fortune on physio treatment.

Not wanting to give in to age and keen to get fit for a veterans cricket tournament, I saw Brian’s ad on Facebook, and turned up with a a long list of complaints – swollen knees, tight hamstrings, lower back stiffness , neck pain and shoulder instability due to an old AC injury.

Brian methodically worked through my issues and tailored a program to my objectives with some quick wins and others we had to persevere on, fine tuning the approach along the way.

I worked with Brian for over a year. While we quickly established a simple but effective toolkit, most of which I can do with minimal equipment at home, it was good to have a regular check in to keep me honest and vary the program as I progressed.

I have learned a huge amount from Brian and continue with his routines which have wound back the clock for me, feeling stronger, recovering faster an staying injury free through back to back cricket and soccer seasons.

I highly recommend Brian’s approach – practical, a great teacher and good company.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.””


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