Dr. Andrew Lock – Lumbar Spine Genius Course – July 2022

This past weekend I was lucky enough attend Dr. Andrew Lock’s Lumbar Spine Genius course, held at Steel and Stone gym in south Brisbane.

A great two day course aimed at giving coaches and practitioners the principles to address and successfully rehabilitate 90% of lower back issues that clients/patients will present with.

Andrew takes a mechanical approach (similar to that of Prof. Stuart Mcgill) and combines that with the work of McKenzie, Punjabi and others to develop a three stage approach: Passive structures, Active structures and Neurological/Movement.

Some will ask “Should I do Mcgill’s courses or Andrew’s?” I would say both…as they will compliment each other and give you a solid toolkit from which to build solution’s to clients injuries and problems.

A LOT of information is presented in the course, I found my background in McGill’s courses helped me to hit the ground running and also understand the differences in approach between Stuart and Andrew.

Overall…HIGHLY recommended…plenty of clinical pearls of wisdom to be had and Andrew was always happy to answer questions as we went.

Now I just need him to put together his shoulder rehabilitation course…