“Over the past 5 years I’d had increasing periods of sporadic lower back pain. I couldn’t pinpoint the trigger, and although I had some knowledge on methods to address back pain, nothing seemed to help long term.
I wanted to get rid of this ongoing pain and find someone who could properly identify the cause and eradicate it.
For this, I’m grateful to have found Brian Ellicott. I saw he used a lot of methods from Dr Stuart McGill and Dr Andrew Lock, both of whom I knew to be experts in back rehabilitation.
Many people will choose to see a physio or chiro first because it’s “cheaper and easier” but going to a true expert like Brian will save you time and money, getting you back to normal much faster.
I was impressed how quickly Brian could identify the root cause of my back problems, in the first session noting that my quads were overactive, while my left glute and obliques were underactive.
Brian first reestablished my fundamental movement patterns, and progressively increased the difficulty of my daily exercise program until eventually he programmed bigger lifts like squats, deadlifts and bench press so I could apply everything I had retrained and learnt.
Even as a coach for these exercises, he was excellent at fine tuning my technique to fit my anatomy and quickly resolved any strange twinges that occurred. Because of his strategy to rebuild fundamentals and then segway back into big lifts, I have now returned to a level of strength that I hadn’t been at for the past 2 years (only 3 months after restarting training).
Sessions with Brian aren’t cheap, but it’s a small price to pay for a strong and painless back.
Commitment to the programs he writes is essential to make progress and although I admit the fundamental exercises are not exciting (and feel really hard to begin with), it all becomes worth it as the pain subsides and you can move freely.
I’d highly recommend anyone with back pain go to see Brian. You’ll never regret making the investment into a solid spine and the freedom to move without pain. “